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Get to know our Ambassadors for 2024:

Connecting the Lobo Cancer Challenge community

All of our Ambassadors have demonstrated commitment and leadership in bringing their friends, family and community together to unite against cancer. They have a passion for helping others. Now, as a Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador, they can take their support for fellow New Mexicans in their cancer journey to another level; building relationships on behalf of the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, providing encouragement, and educating others on the importance of cancer research.


Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassadors Alma Aguilar and Troy Reese

Alma Aguilar & Troy Reese

“We participate in the Lobo Cancer Challenge to honor loved ones affected by cancer and to support vital research and care services.”

Alma has worked at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2016. She understands that the doors she walks into for work every day have a very different meaning and purpose for our patients who come to the same building. She has been a part of the Lobo Cancer Challenge (LCC) since the first year in 2017. She volunteered at this event as she is a runner, and in its first year the LCC only offered bike routes. She was encouraged to get on a bike and participate. Alma took on the challenge and has been riding since. She asked her friend Troy, at the time, to train and teach her how to ride a road bike. In 2019, Alma participated in her first 50 mile bike event at the Lobo Cancer Challenge. She became fast friends with other challengers, including survivor and 2024 Ambassador Chaz Rowland. Troy also became more than a friend / trainer to Alma and they will be married June 8, 2024. Troy has also become a huge supporter of the LCC and they are excited to be partnered as 2024 Ambassadors.

Troy and Alma are eager to participate in the Lobo Cancer Challenge due to their deep personal connections to the cause and their desire to contribute meaningfully to cancer research and support services. Having witnessed loved ones battle cancer, Alma and Troy understand the profound emotional and physical toll it takes on patients and their families. By joining the challenge, they aim to honor those affected by the disease and help raise critical funds that can lead to advancements in cancer treatments and patient care. Their participation is driven by a commitment to fostering hope, encouraging community involvement, and making a tangible difference in the fight against cancer.

They dedicate their challenge to many in their lives that have found cancer, fighting cancer or lost their battle to cancer.


2024 Ambassadors Alma Aguilar and Troy Reese 2024 Ambassadors Alma Aguilar and Troy Reese with biking group

2024 Ambassadors Alma Aguilar and Troy Reese at Tinkertown 2024 Ambassadors Alma Aguilar and Troy Reese with biking group

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Alma Aguilar
Team Page for: Hope Warriors

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Elizabeth Cochran

Elizabeth Cochran

I have participated in every year of the Lobo Cancer Challenge! I have enjoyed this remarkable event by raising awareness and funds, and riding or running with friends and colleagues from The University of New Mexico Foundation.

Sadly, cancer runs on the maternal side of my family. Many years ago, my grandmother, whom I never met, and three of "mis tías" have all succumbed to cancer. My mom and I miss them dearly and will never forget the pain we witnessed our loved ones endure. Today, here in New Mexico, there is an abundance of hope, passion, and drive to save lives. With caregivers and patients, in mind, we raise awareness and funds. On the event day, the bond created by all those who walk, run, and ride together as one can only be described as magic.

“As someone with a desire to help people in every way possible, I am honored to be an Ambassador!”

“Last year I added an honoree onto my bib: my best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have never seen anyone so brave and so determined. She is my hero! I truly thank everyone at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center for caring for her, as if she were your best friend.”


2024 Ambassador Elizabeth Cochran with teammate 2024 Ambassador Elizabeth Cochran with promo yard sign

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Elizabeth Cochran
Team Page for: Just Fund It


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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Kaylee Deutsch-Armijo

Kaylee Deutsch-Armijo

I am thrilled to be a returning ambassador for the 2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge!

As a thyroid cancer survivor, I know first hand how important it is to have access to world class doctors, excellent care, clinical trials, and support — all of which can be found at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center! As a young adult cancer survivor, I have been involved in the cancer research community since my diagnosis in 2011. My illness drove me to pursue a career in oncology clinical research and I am proud to still work in the field today. Clinical trials play a key role in providing life saving treatment to cancer patients- and your donation helps bring further treatment options to New Mexico’s cancer patients.

I have been involved with the Cancer Challenge since its inception and I am excited to participate again this year! Not only is the event a blast, but its even better knowing that the funds are used to help patients and caregivers within our beautiful state! We are so lucky to have a such a wonderful facility within our community and this event ensures that that we surround patients with the best medical treatments, care, and support now and for years to come!

“I hope to see you on the bike path, race course, or stairs this year!”

2024 Ambassador Kaylee Deutsch-Armijo at the Lobo Cancer Challenge with friend

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Kaylee Deutsch-Armijo

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Matthew Fero

Matthew Fero

Together with his wife, Jutta, Dr. Matthew Fero moved to New Mexico in 2015 to start and direct The University of New Mexico’s Stem Cell Transplant Program and to establish a new cancer and bone marrow and blood stem cell research laboratory. The Fero Laboratory uses pre-clinical models to identify novel therapeutic targets for hematological malignancies, and to test the therapeutic efficacy of novel agents.

Before Dr. Fero’s arrival, patients requiring a bone marrow transplant to treat their cancer needed to travel out of state. Now, thanks to the Bone Marrow Transplant Program at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, they can receive this treatment in Albuquerque.

In addition to treating leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and offering stem cell transplantation, Dr. Fero is the Director of the Stem Cell Therapy Program and co-leader of the Hematology Clinical Working Group. Clinical trials offer the most recent developments in cancer treatments to patients.

On many fronts, Dr. Fero is instrumental in bringing innovative treatments for blood cancers to New Mexico. As a Team Captain in the Lobo Cancer Challenge, he calls his team the “Heme Team” to honor those facing hematological (blood-related) cancers.

The Heme Team was the Top Fundraising Team in 2018 and has been among the Top Three Fundraising Teams every year. Dr. Fero’s family and friends have come from as far away as California and Montana to join the Heme Team, and to ride their bicycles 100 miles and 50 miles in the Lobo Cancer Challenge in support of the UNM Cancer Center’s lifesaving cancer research.

Dr. Fero is the first to sign up for the Lobo Cancer Challenge every year, and the first physician from the Cancer Center to set up a team, earning Bib No. 1. Dr. Fero invites everyone to join the Heme Team, even if they choose to support other areas of cancer research and patient services.

Dr. Fero’s dedication to fighting blood cancers on behalf of the people of New Mexico is extraordinary.

“The Lobo Cancer Challenge helps us to fight cancer together,”
says Dr. Fero.

Matthew Fero, Captain of the Heme Team, Bib no. 1 Dr. Matthew Fero, Captain of the Heme Team, leads the way for the 100 milers

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador and Team Captain Matthew Fero
Team Page for: Heme Team

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Elaine Gronberg

Elaine Gronberg

More to come

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Elaine Gronberg
Team Page for: Heme Team

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2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador Tim Harris

Tim Harris

“I am Tim Harris and I have participated in the Lobo Cancer Challenge for 3 years. This year is 4 and I will be doing the 25 mile bike ride with my New Jersey.

“I still love to continue to be a fighter and to help others fight their own battles.

“I got chosen to be an Ambassador for 2024 this year. I am so excited...
oh yeah!”

2024 Ambassador Tim Harris at the Lobo Club overlooking University Stadium

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Tim Harris
Team Page for: Dukes Track Club


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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Jayne Holmes

Jayne Holmes

I am thrilled that I was asked to be an ambassador again this year for the 2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge. I truly am passionate about this event and have been from the 1st year it started.

I have worked at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2007 as a clinic surgical coordinator for the breast cancer team. The providers, staff and faculty I have known over the years and now are all incredible and deeply care about our patients.

They say it takes a village and the statement is so true. I come to work everyday knowing our patients are in great hands, not only the breast cancer patients but all of our cancer patients. I know this from personal experience. In 2019 my sister became a patient here at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. The care and treatment she received and still does was and is the best. She had a stem cell transplant under the care of Dr. Andritsos and treatment under the care of Dr. Quintana. They helped make a very scary experience into a “we can do this” experience. She continues to make monthly trips from out-of-town for treatment, as many of our patients do. The struggle is real, but with all of our support, they too “can do this”.

“Please join us on Saturday September 28th 2024 at this year’s Lobo Cancer Challenge. Consider joining or donating to a team like “Busting out Breast Cancer. All funds stay right here. 😊 ”


2024 Ambassador Jayne Holmes with Challengers 2024 Ambassador Jayne Holmes finishes the 5K

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Jayne Holmes
Team Page for: Bustin' Out Breast Cancer

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Phil Houser

Phil Houser

We have been connected to the UNM Cancer Center and the UNM Hospital for close to 20 years. it really started on the professional side through my company, Document Solutions, Inc (DSI). We have been providing technology resources for print and helping to augment IT staffing when support resources were for UNM were thin.

Our partnership since then has continued to evolve and expand over the years. Our family was exposed to cancer more than 35 years ago when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. In a day and age when this was relatively new to all of us, my mom chose to undergo radiation and chemotherapy. She also elected to have the mastectomy done. Lena Houser, my mom, 35 plus years later has been cancer free since. My Father Craig Houser died at the early age of 53 of esophageal cancer. My uncle Brent Houser died 4 years ago after battling cancer for more than 20 years.

One of our former employees, while she was employed with DSI, Mary Smith, was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive cancer 5 years ago and was treated by the UNM Cancer Center. Today she is cancer free.

Most recently, my primary doctor sent me to the UNM Cancer Center due to a decline in my white blood count. After thorough testing and review with Dr. Mendez at UNM Cancer Center, I was diagnosed with a very rare form of Leukemia. Hairy Cell Leukemia. I am currently in a wait and see status.

“The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center is an amazing resource, serving New Mexicans throughout the state. With the harsh reality of 1 out of every 2 people being diagnosed with some form of cancer, we feel very blessed and fortunate to have such an amazing support and resource in the fight against Cancer here in our City.”

2024 Ambassador Phil Houser and wife Theresa recognized at the LCC 2023 Kickoff Celebration

2024 Ambassador Phil and Theresa Houser with the Top Individual and Team Fundraising Awards
at the 2023 Lobo Cancer Challenge Kickoff Celebration

Visit the Team Page for: DSI - Document Solutions, Inc.

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Jenson Family Ambassadors Tyler, Michele, friend

Tyler Jenson and the Jenson Family Ambassadors

We participate in the Lobo Cancer Challenge because it's our way of taking a stand against cancer and showing support for those who are fighting this battle.

As a survivor, and the parent of a survivor, we understand the rollercoaster of emotions, the fear, and the uncertainty that comes with it.

Cancer isn't just something that happened to us, it's become a part of our family's story. That's why events like the Lobo Cancer Challenge mean so much to us. It's about more than just raising money—it's about standing together, showing support, and making a real difference.

When we come together as a community, we can offer hope to those who need it most. By joining this event, we not only raise crucial funds for cancer research and treatment but also foster a sense of solidarity within our community. Every dollar raised brings us closer to a world where cancer no longer holds power over families and loved ones.

“Together, we can make a difference and offer hope to those in need!”


Professor Pow team 2024

2024 Jenson Family Ambassadors 2024 Jenson Family Ambassador Mike is interviewed by Chad Patterson

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Tyler Jenson
Team Page for: Professor Pow

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Denise L’Esperance

Supporting Tim’s Fight Against Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer

I’m raising funds in support of my husband, Tim. In December 2021, he received the challenging diagnosis of Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer. Over the past 2 1/2 years, Tim has undergone regular chemo infusions at UNMCC. The incredible team at UNMCCC has helped us strike a balance between treatment and maintaining a good quality of life. Throughout this journey, we’ve learned to embrace each day, making the most of the good weeks by spending time with loved ones and exploring new places.

Your contribution can make a difference in Tim’s fight against cancer. Let’s come together to support him on this challenging path. Every donation counts, and we appreciate your kindness and generosity.

“Thank you for being a part of our journey!”


Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Denise L’Esperance
Team Page for: Bank of Albuquerque

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Laura Niel

Laura Niel

When my cycling team, the New Mexico Spokettes, found out about the inaugural Lobo Cancer Challenge in 2017, we knew we wanted to participate as we are passionate about cycling and fighting cancer. I volunteered to be a team captain then and have continued in that role ever since. I am also a team captain for the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT). Our medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. I am honored to be an ambassador this year.

The Lobo Cancer Challenge is an opportunity to remember and honor our family and friends who are no longer with us due to cancer and to support our family and friends fighting cancer. My cycling team rides in memory of our teammate Kathy Thompson who passed away from cancer just before the 2019 Lobo Cancer Challenge. My work team participates for loved ones and with gratitude for our professionals. My loved ones include my mom who died from cancer 33 years ago and my twin brother who has stage 4 cancer. I am hopeful our efforts will fund research that will help him and everyone fighting cancer. I am so thankful for the great medical teams providing care and doing research at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.  These efforts lead to more time with loved ones. The Lobo Cancer Challenge is a great time to celebrate them.

Cancer changes many lives. The Lobo Cancer Challenge is a way to fight back against cancer and support our community. One of my favorite quotes is the African proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Let's go together and make a difference.

2024 Ambassador Laura Niel with friends on course

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador and Team Captain Laura Niel
Team Page for: American Society of Radiologic Technologists

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador James Paz

James Paz

The Lobo Cancer Challenge is so important to me because I care about cancer patients in New Mexico. My brother Bob had acute myeloid leukemia and was treated at UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. His treatment required a stem cell transplant and that was not an option at UNM at the time, or anywhere else in the state. I was identified as a match for the transplant, but we had to go out of state to get that done.

I knew that Dr Matthew Fero was working on getting a transplant clinic set up, and I wanted to help in any way I could to see that happen. I am so happy to see that stem cell transplant is a reality now at UNM.

I also recently lost my father-in-law David to biliary cancer. Both family members had very difficult, hard-to-treat cancers with poor survival rates, reminding us there is so much more work to do in research.

“In memory of my brother and father-in-law, I have volunteered and participated in the Lobo Cancer Challenge for the last 4 years and enjoy every bit of it.”


2024 Ambassador James Paz with Challengers 2024 Ambassador James Paz in training

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador James Paz

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Eglis Pereyra

Eglis Pereyra

I am a nurse practitioner with the GYN Oncology Team. Last year we were known as the Ovary Achievers team with the Lobo Cancer Challenge. I am proud to be part of this dedicated team, where we work tirelessly to raise funds aimed at alleviating the burden faced by those newly diagnosed with cancer.

The monetary and spiritual support provided by our cancer center to all my patients has been invaluable, and I am immensely grateful for it. This support fuels my excitement and determination to continue raising funds and extending our reach within the community. Having witnessed the impact of cancer on my own family members, I have a deep personal connection to this cause.

I am continually inspired by the incredible doctors at the UNM Cancer Center, like Dr. Sarah Adams, who invest their time and expertise into developing innovative treatments that make a significant difference in our patients' lives. It is an honor to be part of a team and a community that is so committed to fighting cancer and supporting those affected by it.

In my free time, I enjoy running and biking with family and friends. I am especially excited to join many Lobo Cancer Challengers in the 5K Walk / Run and the 25-mile Bike Ride as a way to take care of ourselves through exercise, being outside, and enjoying camaraderie and friendship while participating in such an incredible cause.


2024 Ambassador Eglis Pereyra with teammate 2024 Ambassador Eglis Pereyra with teammate 2024 Ambassador Eglis Pereyra

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador and Team Captain Eglis Pereyra
Team Page for: G. O. Ovary Achievers

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Steve, Kaitlin and Colleen Petranovich

Family Ambassadors Steve, Kaitlin and Colleen Petranovich

We are so grateful this year to be Family Ambassadors for the Lobo Cancer Challenge!

About 5 years ago, our original team captain Marilee Petranovich (mom to Kaitlin and Colleen and wife to Steve) got us involved with the Lobo Cancer Challenge for the first time. When she first told us that she was going to bike 25 miles and wanted us to join her we thought she was crazy, but she inspired us all to start training. At that time she was in the midst of treatment for a very rare and aggressive gynecologic cancer, and she was getting excellent care at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.

She was so immensely grateful for the care she had received that she wanted to do anything she could to give back, and the Lobo Cancer Challenge felt like the perfect opportunity.

Unfortunately Marilee passed away in September 2019, just weeks before what would have been her second Lobo Cancer Challenge. Up until her final few weeks she was absolutely determined that she would participate, no matter what.

“While we still grieve the loss of such an incredible person, we continue to be inspired by the attitude of joy, optimism, gratitude, and compassion that she always had.

“The UNM Cancer Center provided Marilee, and all of us, with a place of compassion, empathy, support, and most importantly hope during one of the most challenging times of our lives.

“It is our great honor to carry on her legacy and to continue supporting the Lobo Cancer Challenge in her memory.”


Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Steve Petranovich, Colleen Petranovich
Team Page for: Team Petranovich

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2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador Deanna Rhodes

Deanna Rhodes

As a 2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador, I'm honored to step into this role after years of dedicated involvement in the event. From volunteering to leading teams like The Pirates of the Cure-ibbean and participating as a walker and rider since its inception in 2017, my journey with the Lobo Cancer Challenge has been deeply personal and purposeful.

My passion for this cause stems from firsthand experiences with cancer's impact. Witnessing a loved one navigate the devastating loss of a cherished individual to this disease has been profoundly impactful. Conversely, I've also rejoiced in the triumphs of those who've conquered cancer through new, innovative therapies, reinforcing my commitment to drive change.

In my capacity as an ambassador, I'm determined to amplify awareness and support for cancer research, directing the funds I raise to be dedicated towards the General Research Fund, a broad research spectrum to benefit various cancer types. My aspiration extends beyond the local borders of New Mexico, aiming to contribute to a global fight against cancer's reach.

In my professional journey at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center over the past seven years, I've been privileged to witness the remarkable strides made in cancer research. Working in the cancer registry and engaging in oncology data abstraction and cancer conferences has given me a unique perspective on the multidisciplinary efforts and clinical trials shaping the future of cancer treatment and care.

“Through my ambassadorship and continued work, I aspire to inspire hope, foster awareness, and drive progress in the fight against cancer.”


Pirates of the Cure-ibbean team 2022 at Lobo Club

Ambassador Deanna Rhodes and the Pirates of the Cure-ibbean team at the Bosque Trail in 2021 2024 Ambassador Deanna Rhodes at the very first Lobo Cancer Challenge in 2017

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador and Team Captain Deanna Rhodes
Team Page for: Pirates of the Cure-ibbean

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Joshua Rogers

Joshua Rogers

Together with her other two sons and Polly’s best friend, Josh founded Polly’s Run in 2009 to honor his mother after her passing. Polly inspired countless students and athletes through her teaching and coaching, and the annual Polly’s Run event rallies hundreds of friends, family members, and survivors to increase awareness and raise funds for the research to help end pancreatic cancer.

Bringing people together with a passion for fighting cancer:

“The Lobo Cancer Challenge is an incredibly special event for me. As the director of Polly's Run and the Polly Rogers Endowment for Pancreatic Cancer, it is a wonderful opportunity to fundraise and continue to raise awareness for the disease. The event has become a lifelong passion for me and I can't wait to do it again this year and the next!

“It’s also just a whole lot of fun that brings together people who all have a passion for fighting cancer.”

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador and Team Captain Joshua Rogers
Team Page for: Polly's Run

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Charles Rowland

Charles Rowland

Ever since the 2nd Lobo Cancer Challenge in 2018, one could find me on my bike celebrating the incredible fact that such a possibility is even real. Granted that not all types of cancer are the same, and not all patients are the same, cancer is scary. My prostate cancer was discovered just weeks after an annual PSA screening revealed that my number had gone beyond 4. Dr. Satyan Shah and his team jumped on it, and I am forever grateful to the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center for the thoroughness, expertise, and patient care this institution brings to the table.

By the time the radical prostatectomy was performed two months later, the PSA reading was almost 6, and subsequent analysis disclosed that the rise had reached a catastrophic rate of increase. If no one had noticed the cancer, my life expectancy was probably no more than five years.

It’s been 13 years now, and I am still enjoying the wonderful autumn air and sky here in central New Mexico from the saddle of my bike. Participation in this event has led to remarkable friendships with several administrative staff members who have each had an impact on my life.

Other bridges have been crossed in the meantime, but the inspiration and encouragement from every single person I have encountered at the UNM Cancer Center make me proud to be a Challenger and proud to be a Lobo!

Go Lobos!

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Charles Rowland
Team Page for: Hope Warriors

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Bridget Sanders

Bridget Sanders

In 2019, my husband (at the young age of 48), was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. He went through chemotherapy and radiation and was cured of cancer by the end of summer that same year. Like many, we continue to have fear of when this will pop up again and with who.

This fight is a tough one to say the least. Although my husband had all of us there with him through these very trying and tiring days, we didn’t know exactly what he was feeling and to what extent. He is truly the strongest person I know!

I work in healthcare. I hear these stories on a daily basis. Not all of them have the same outcomes that we have. Many people have lost family and friends to cancer of all kinds. Most of them living in pain for so long before the end of their battle. I think and pray for these people and their loved ones daily.

“I am so happy to be an Ambassador for this event and help encourage others to support and participate while spending time with those close to them!”

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2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador Kristen Underwood with family

Kristin Underwood

This will be the sixth year I have participated in the Lobo Cancer Challenge. This event offers our community a chance to come together and honor cancer patients… and I participate in honor of them. I’ve been able to train and enjoy this event with my family and friends… as well as include my Eisai colleagues from all over the United States.

One of the greatest gifts of the Lobo Cancer Challenge is that 100% of the funds stay right here in New Mexico.

“To be asked to be a Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador is such an honor and I am so excited to continue to pay it forward, all for the love of cancer patients.”


2024 Ambassador Kristin Underwood with Team Easai 2024 Ambassador Kristen Underwood picking up donuts made for the Lobo Cancer Challenge sponsors

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Kristin Underwood
Team Page for: Eisai Enchanters

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Christine Valdez

Christine Valdez

My first year participating in the Lobo Cancer Challenge was in 2020 — I hiked Pino Trail! My second year in 2021, I hiked La Luz and have dedicated both of my Challenges to my friends, family, and patients who I treat and who we have lost.

I am an Oncology Nurse here at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. Being an Oncology Nurse offers me the opportunity to see my patients and families in some of their most vulnerable moments. I participate for ALL my patients and families. I am grateful that I can support specific program areas in the Lobo Cancer Challenge, which allow me to raise funds towards research and patient care for those families who are struggling financially and otherwise.

“I am excited to be an Ambassador this year!”

Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Christine Valdez
Team Page for: Chemo Ninjas

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2024 Lobo Cancer Challenge Ambassador Mike Westphal

Mike Westphal

Cancer seems to touch every one of us. In my case, my Mom received treatment for breast cancer in Colorado and my Aunt Carol received treatment for lung cancer at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center (UNMCCC). Both are survivors and I am extremely grateful. I've cheered for other family members and friends fighting cancer.

UNMCCC is our local, world class home for the fight against cancer, and the “safety net” treatment facility, providing for the wealthiest and the least wealthy New Mexicans. Helping raise funds to help patients, doctors and researchers fight cancer seems easy compared to their efforts.

The Lobo Cancer Challenge gives my family and me a great combination of physical challenge, important fundraising tools and a lot of fun. Meeting some of the UNMCCC community of patients, doctors, researchers and other team members/supporters is an added benefit of the event. 

“We really do feel like a united community, working together to fight cancer.”


Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Mike Westphal
Team Page for: Heme Team

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Clent Wilson

Clent Wilson

“I have lost too many friends and family members to cancer. I ride for those who we have lost and those who are still fighting.

“I pray that someday we will be able to look back and say this is day that we found a cure for cancer! Thanks to our New Mexico Cancer team!!!”

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Lobo Cancer Challenge 2024 Ambassador Sterling Wind

Sterling Wind


From shadows, we rise

Strength rising, fighting a war

Hope blooms with each dawn

I believe this year will be my sixth year riding in-person or virtually with the HEME TEAM in the Lobo Cancer Challenge! I ride as a person touched by skin cancer, as a member of a family touched by cancer, and as a witness to what cancer can steal. I ride in support of a better tomorrow and in memory of what cancer has stolen.

“I am honored to have been asked to be an ambassador for this year's Lobo Cancer Challenge! ”


Visit the Fundraising Page for: Ambassador Sterling Wind
Team Page for: Heme Team

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with thanks to our...

2023 Ambassadors

  • Alma Aguilar
  • Michelle Dearholt
  • Kaylee Deutsch-Armijo
  • Jayne Holmes
  • Phil Houser
  • Family Ambassadors Michelle and Tyler Jenson
  • Family Ambassadors Steve, Kaitlin and Colleen Petranovich
  • Mike Westphal

2022 Ambassadors

  • Dr. Koh Boayue
  • Elizabeth Cochran
  • Alex Cvijanovich
  • Tim Harris
  • Katie Gauthier
  • Family Ambassadors Michelle and Tyler Jenson
  • Matthew Murillo
  • James Paz
  • Kaitlin Petranovich
  • Joshua Rogers
  • David Stroud
  • Melissa Williams
  • Sterling Wind
  • Christine Valdez

2022 Youth Representative

  • Liam Hansen

2021 Ambassadors

  • Jesse Armijo
  • Mariah Candelaria
  • Elyse Eckart
  • Elaine Fero Gronberg
  • Dakotah Jim
  • Laura Niel
  • Colleen Petranovich
  • Kyle Stepp
  • Kristin Underwood
  • Clent Wilson

2021 Youth Representative

  • Tyler Jenson

2020 Ambassadors

  • Alma Aguilar
  • Dr. Matthew Fero
  • Marcos Paz
  • Kaitlin Petranovich
  • Deanna Rhodes
  • Joshua Rogers
  • Kyle Stepp
  • Ruth Ann Tibbetts
  • Andrea Trujillo

2020 Youth Representative

  • Tyler Jenson

2019 Ambassadors

  • Connor Adams
  • Marilee Petranovich
  • Mueez Rehman
  • Maggie Smith
  • Mike Westphal

Statistics and information appearing on this page do not represent the official views of the Lobo Cancer Challenge.


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